

There are 2 million people with asthma and almost 1500 people die each year in Malaysia due to this asthma.No one should die from asthma..asthma death are completely preventable.

Asthma is a life long lung disease.This disease makes it harder for people to breath,this is because, when air enters the respiratory system,the muscles in the bronchial tubes tighten and thicken.The narrowed airway becomes inflamed and mucus-filled,so it makes the air difficult to move to the lungs.

Asthma symptoms

  • coughing
  • wheezing
  • shortness of breath
  • chest tightness
  • night cough or wheeze

What can make asthma worse?
There are a lot of factors that can affect the patients.These factors are individual to each patient.

  • inflammatory triggers

these triggers can get from pets especially cats,pollen,seafood and common cold

  • irritant

stress,perfumes,cold weather,air pollution (haze),and exercise

  • other triggers

food preservatives,colouring and certain medications like beta-blockers and aspirin

  • smoking

this is the most common trigger for asthma,even the secondhand smoke (it means the smoke inhaled involuntary from tobacco being smoked by others) can trigger severe asthma attacks and cause lung damage over a long period.

Is there a cure for asthma?
Asthma cannot be cured,but it can be controlled.Mostly,people with well controlled asthma can lead a normal,active and healthy life.

However,in Malaysia,there is only 6% of asthma cases are well controlled.The most common reason for uncontrolled asthma is for people who are not using their inhalers.Most of this type of people are worried about the side effects.

The fact is,inhaler therapy is the gold standard of treatment for asthma and it is safe.The amount of steroids in the inhaler is small,so inhaler is not addictive.Other than that,inhaler does not make the patient gain weight and they do not become ineffective if used regularly.Inhaler is also safe to use during pregnancy.

What constitutes  good asthma control? 

  1. no coughing or wheezing
  2. no shortness of breath
  3. no waking up at night
  4. can do normal physical activities
  5. no school or work absence due to asthma

*note that very frequent use of reliever inhalers is a a sign that asthma is not well controlled.

People with asthma should have regular check ups ,for example every six months with a primary healthcare provider even when they believe that they are well.

Besides that,they should ask for personalized Asthma Action Plan (AAP) from their doctor.AAP contains important information such as what asthma medications they are on,how to increase the medication if they are getting an attack and what to do during an emergency.AAP can be a valuable tool to communicate to doctors during emergencies.

Patients should also monitor their symptoms and peak flow readings.A peak flow meter is a simple hand held devised used to access asthma control.To use it,you just have to blow into it and the device will measure how much air is expelled from the lungs.This measurement is used to gauge the extent of airway narrowing during an asthma attack.

Source :
 Dr Sundari Ampikaipakan
 (Consultant Respiratory Physician)
